Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Automated Enforcement Saves Lives - AB 666 (Red Light Camera Reform)

Red Light Camera Reform – AB 666
Why it’s essential for safer streets
California law is clear and the data indisputable: red means stop and red light cameras save lives.  A 2011 study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety found red light cameras led to:
·         62% reduction in fatal red light running crashes in San Diego
·         53% reduction in fatal red light running crashes in Sacramento
·         44% reduction in fatal red light running crashes in Santa Ana
·         34% reduction in fatal red light running crashes in Long Beach

Last year, the General Assembly took the first steps toward reforming the red light camera program. Now, we need take these efforts further to ensure we have a program that builds on this success and ensures those who break the law and run red lights are held accountable.
Legislation introduced in 2013 keeps the state’s traffic safety camera programs focused on safety, establishes a reasonable fine structure and reduces the burden on the state’s court system to ensure scofflaws do not get away with breaking the law and those who wish to contest a red light ticket can easily do so. The result will be the preservation of a critical life-saving law enforcement tool and safer roads for all California road users.
Excessive fines have made California’s red light camera penalty the highest in the country. The fine for running a red light in California is $140. But too many additional fees have been added over the years which have very little to do with the administration of a traffic ticket, which has left motorists with inflated fines close to $500.
Proposed Solution – AB 666
To lower fees and restore confidence in the red light camera program’s public safety goals, citations should be administered at the municipal level to reduce court-related fees, decreasing out-of-pocket fines to 50% to 60% of the current amount, while ensuring a substantial fee is in place to deter dangerous red light running.

Overburdened courts California processes all moving violations as criminal violations. This means all citations must be processed by the courts. 
Proposed Solution – AB 666 
To operate an efficient, effective red light camera program that deters dangerous driving and improves road safety, many states impose an administrative penalty - not a criminal violation. Through this process, appeals are processed administratively, freeing the court for other obligations

Drivers often evade citation. California law only allows identified drivers to be cited. Because of this, many car owners and drivers have found ways to make identification difficult or impossible and avoid citation.
 Proposed Solution – AB 666
To ensure scofflaws are held responsible for dangerous driving, the vehicle owner must take responsibility for the citation and pay the civil fine, but no points would be imposed against the vehicle owner if he or she is not the driver. Points will only be imposed on the vehicle owner when he or she is identified by the camera as the driver. Californians can be assured red light cameras are acting as an effective public safety tool.


Traffic Safety Coalition ||

Cal-Green Building Code Saves Energy, Water and Landfill Space; Savings Drop Right To The Bottom Line For Most Businesses

While California has set the bar high for green construction practices, Gov. Jerry Brown has the opportunity to lead and encourage the state and local jurisdictions to do more. Gov. Brown can bring those parties to the table to improve upon the CALGREENprovisions by challenging local governments, builders, and industry leaders to establish resource conserving buildings and neighborhoods. He can also encourage his administration to continue to retrofit existing state buildings to become more energy efficient while building new state facilities that surpass current CALGREEN requirements. This will further California’s leadership in green building practices.

California’s leadership in green technology matters is increasingly being challenged in places like New York City. New York recently passed a package of legislation known as the Greener, Greater Buildings Plan aimed at improving the energy efficiency of the city's commercial buildings. Some analysts say it is the most comprehensive legislation of its type in the nation. California must continue to invest or cede leadership in this area of technology development.

CALGREEN and the Green Building Initiative are important achievements that demonstrate California’s leadership in resource conservation and set an example of how to build the future on a greener foundation.

Tom Sheehy is the former Acting Secretary
of the State and Consumer Services Agency
and Chaired the Building Standards
Commission in 2010 when it adopted CALGREEN.
He currently has a government affairs practice
with Greenberg Traurig in Sacramento.

Monday, April 1, 2013

We need An Economic Growth Agenda

By Thomas L. Sheehy

Our friends on the left are into redistribution not growth. The last Democrat we had in the White House who understood the need for GROWTH was President Bill Clinton. President Clinton passed NAFTA, cut capital gains rates and supported domestic energy exploration and development (oil, gas and renewables). He was a true pro-growth President. If the focus in California was on GROWTH and not redistribution, we would all be much better off I am thoroughly convinced.

The economic pie needs to be expanded and not  simply cut into thinner slices. The private sector specializes in creating wealth and the government simply moves it around. Government also creates the regulations that can help make markets function properly, but when over reached, can destroy profitable ventures and kill high paying jobs. We need to support an environment where entrepreneurs are willing to take reasonable risks without the government breathing down their back or telling them they are bad because they are not paying their "fair share" of taxes.

With a successful growth agenda and growing economy, tax revenues will flood the national treasury, bring down the deficit and provide necessary resources for our public infrastructure, social safety net and national defense needs. All this can be done by EXPANDING the pie, not just reshuffling rates and burdens.

Where is Bill Clinton when you REALLY need him?