friends on the left are into redistribution not growth. The last Democrat we
had in the White House who understood the need for GROWTH was President Bill
Clinton. President Clinton passed NAFTA, cut capital gains rates and supported domestic
energy exploration and development (oil, gas and renewables). He was a true pro-growth President. If the focus in
California was on GROWTH and not redistribution, we would all be much better
off I am thoroughly convinced.
economic pie needs to be expanded and not simply cut into thinner slices. The
private sector specializes in creating wealth and the government simply moves
it around. Government also creates the regulations that can help make markets
function properly, but when over reached, can destroy profitable ventures and
kill high paying jobs. We need to support an environment where entrepreneurs
are willing to take reasonable risks without the government breathing down their
back or telling them they are bad because they are not paying their "fair
share" of taxes.
a successful growth agenda and growing economy, tax revenues will flood the national
treasury, bring down the deficit and provide necessary resources for our public
infrastructure, social safety net and national defense needs. All this can be
done by EXPANDING the pie, not just reshuffling rates and burdens.
Where is Bill Clinton when you REALLY need him?
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