Thursday, October 17, 2013

FINAL DETAILS - Government Shut Down


GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN: Ends immediately, finances federal agencies through Jan. 15. Workers furloughed without pay when the shutdown began Oct. 1 receive back pay.

DEBT CEILING: Government’s authority to borrow money is extended until Feb. 7. No constraints on Treasury Department’s ability to move funds among accounts once debt limit is reached, thus extending the government’s ability to avoid default several weeks beyond Feb. 7 if needed. However, this is subject to a “resolution of disapproval” by Congress – a procedural exercise through which one or both chambers can express disapproval for a measure without actually blocking it.

HEALTH CARE LAW (ACA): Department of Health and Human Services must certify it can verify income eligibility of people applying for government subsidies for health insurance. By next July 1, the department’s inspector general must report on the agency’s safeguards for preventing fraud.

LONGER-RANGE BUDGET ISSUES: In accompanying agreement, House and Senate leaders will negotiate over issues such as budget deficits and spending levels. They must issue report by Dec. 13, but they are not required to come to agreement.

REIMBURSMENT OF STATE GOVERNMENT and other Grantees: The measure clarifies that the federal government will reimburse states and grantees for the costs that states incurred during execution of federal programs that would normally be paid by federal appropriations.  This authority applies to any period in fiscal year 2014 in which a lapse in appropriations has occurred

OTHER ITEMS IN THE BILL: No pay raise for Members of Congress in 2014; $636 million for firefighting for the Interior Department and the Forest Service; allows work to continue on Olmstead lock in the Ohio River between Kentucky and Illinois; lets Federal Highway Administration reimburse Colorado up to $450 million for flood-damaged roads, exceeding usual $100 million cap; extra $294 million for Department of Veterans Affairs to reduce backlogs of benefits claims; funds for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to continue work on two weather satellites; extends expired authority for Defense Department to support African forces hunting warlord Joseph Kony, leader of rebel group Lord’s Resistance Army.

Key Dates and Vote Tally
The bipartisan measure, which was approved on October 16 by both the Senate (81-18) and the House (285-144), funds the government through January 15, 2014, and suspends the debt limit through February 7, 2014

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